Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Still Waiting.....

So 2013 has arrived but my appointments haven't!! I still get the occasional phone call from the transplant co-ordinator making sure I'm still up for it and I'm told there is a backlog and my dates are being chased. So I just have to wait I guess.

In the meantime....

For the most part I try not think to much about being a Kidney donor or potential kidney donor should I say! Mainly, because I'd probably end up talking myself out of it - it's a pretty scary topic, giving one of your organs to somebody else. But also, not something to be entered into lightly either.

Recently, I got a text from my mum telling me that they were going to admit my brother to hospital as one of his blood tests had comeback with a very high potassium level (potassium in high amounts is bad for kidneys). Of course my first thoughts were for my brother, "is he ok?, How serious is this? etc". Then I thought, "OH MY GOD!! The time to get cut open is drawing nearer!!" Stupid thought, I know!! But that thought, scared me. Obviously, it didn't scare me enough to deter me from donating and as it turned out it was all sort of a false alarm. Some mix up at the lab!! Which as you can imagine made my brother pretty cross, to say the least.

But the point I'm trying to make, is that every now again little things pop up that remind me of what I've signed up for and that I have perhaps been too relaxed about the whole thing. Obviously I'm not gonna put my life on hold but I do need to think about it more and get a little more comfortable with the idea.

This may sound like I'm having second thoughts - I can assure you, I am not!! I'll admit, there have been a few wobbles - mainly selfish wobbles but I do want to help my brother and so here I am waiting for the rest of my tests.

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