Sunday, 22 December 2013

People always ask me...

People often ask me what, if any restrictions will there be on my life only having one kidney. Their main concern seems to be whether or not I can still consume alcohol! Which, working in the booze industry I can understand.

There are very few, if any restrictions upon my life. I can still drink alcohol and I do not need to go on any special diets. Long term studies have shown that kidney donors live as long or even longer than the rest of the population.However, there will be still be things that need to be monitored.

When one kidney is removed, the remaining kidney will swell, in order to compensate for the loss of the donated kidney.

Things that will need to be monitored:
  • Blood pressure.
  • Proteinuria. Excessive protein in the urine
  • Reduced GFR. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) shows how efficiently your kidneys are removing wastes from your bloodstream. People have a reduced GFR if they have only one kidney.
It is possible to have these conditions and still feel fine. Regular checkups with my doctor will be needed to monitor these conditions. Every year I'll have a urinalysis and have my blood pressure checked. Kidney function will also be checked (to monitor creatinine levels and GFR etc.)

Diet wise, they will recommend a heart healthy diet, lots of fruits and veg and high fiber foods. Limit salt and fat intake.I will however need to avoid high protein diets as a lot of protein puts too much stress on the remaining kidney.

Should I decide that I want a family, that is still possible. However, I will be monitored closely due to my age and the risk of high blood pressure. But that's not really a concern of mine.

As for the booze,as we all know excessive alcohol consumption can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease. These in turn can increase the risk of kidney disease. I was a heavy drinker in my younger years, but these days it's very much in moderation. I will still be able to get drunk if I want to, but it will take fewer drinks to get there. Cheap date!! So, this Christmas i will still get to enjoy a snowball or three!! 

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!!

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