Tuesday, 24 July 2012

First set of results....

Got my results today! I have a GFR glomerular filtration rate) of 103. The norm is 90 or above - so that is a good result. My kidney function is good with the left kidney functioning at 54% and the right kidney functioning at 46%.

I have to go back to the hospital on Thursday to have my blood pressure and urine tested, then back on Monday for my ultra-sound. I also have an appointment to see the consultant on September 11th and somewhere inbetween that i have to have a Renal CT Angiogram, which is a more in depth study of my kidneys.

People ask me if i'm scared. I wouldn't say i'm scared, more nervous I think. I make jokes about it a lot cos it helps take the pressure off a bit. The question i get asked the most is will I still be able to drink alcohol?! I guess they ask me this because i manage a bar. I've never really been a massive drinker, so to be honest, that part bothers me the least. However, it is my understanding that one can go on to live a "normal, healthy life" with one kidney.

I have been asking myself some odd questions lately. Such as, I wonder how much a kidney weighs and how much weight i could lose by having one removed. Will my brother and i have that strange connection that some donors speak of, like being able to feel what the other person feels. Will having one kidney mean i need to wee more.

But the hardest question I am going to have to answer is how will i feel if after donating my kidney, my brother's body rejects it? I find this question very hard to answer, because a) I'd rather not think about that, and b) I don't know how I'll feel, i can't predict my feelings. Obviously I'll be upset but will I get over it, I don't know. What i do know is that if it doesn't work, I will have a constant reminder in the form of a scar on my body for the rest of my life. That FACT, i do struggle with!
I have a wonderful family and some amazing friends and to be honest, I don't think I could even contemplate donating a kidney if I wasn't surrounded by so many awesome people, who I know will be there for me and my brother every single step of the way. It is so important to have good people around you.

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