Monday, 20 August 2012

Pictures as promised

So this first picture is of the chest X-ray I had done last year.

Is it a boy, is it a girl? No it's my kidney!!

These next pictures are of the Glomerular Filtration Rate test.

These pictures show my kidneys filtering out the isotope tracer that was injected into my vein. This was the test that I found most interesting.

My next appointment is on September 11th which will be with the consultant. Where I believe, we will go through the results of the tests I've had done so far and what the next steps are. I think then he will send me for a Renal Ct which will show the surgeon the anatomy of my kidneys, so that they can decide which is the best/easiest kidney for them to remove. I'm told it's usually the left kidney but we'll see.

I also still need to see the counsellor, I'm just waiting for the letter.

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